Whether you have an extensive crack, pit, or chip, your windshield should be repaired as quickly as possible. Even a small pit left unattended can worsen within days, obscuring your view and potentially forcing you to replace the entire windshield. Fortunately, modern windshields are laminated to protect the inner glass from shattering and the outer layer from cracking. A crack that passes all the way through both layers is usually not repairable, and it may necessitate replacing the entire windshield. A windshield replacement is expensive and can require recalibrating your advanced driver assistance systems, such as cameras and sensors.
Cracks in the windshield can be caused by many different factors, but most commonly are the result of debris hitting the glass. Pebbles from road construction, nuts and bolts dropped by contractors, and loose cargo falling out of trailers can all pepper your windshield with chips that can later turn into cracks. Cracks that occur near the edge of the windshield are especially vulnerable to expansion and contraction from extreme temperatures.
The speed at which your windshield cracks is dependent on a number of factors, including how long the damage has been sitting, and its size. If a crack forms in your windshield, it is recommended that you visit a professional auto shop for repair. This is particularly important if your car is equipped with advanced driver assistance systems, as these components are often located close to the windshield.
If you decide to attempt to repair your windshield at home, it’s important that you clean the damaged area thoroughly. Using a cleaner and a towel, wipe away any dirt in the affected area to prevent the crack from being aggravated by further dirt particles. It is also a good idea to put clear tape over the damaged area, which can help keep any dust or dirt out of the crack while it’s being repaired.
Windshield Crack Repair
Once the cracked glass windshield crack repair mississauga has been cleaned, it’s a good idea to apply a plastic primer to the affected area, in order to prepare it for the resin that will be used to fill the crack. A primer is usually included in the kit that you will be using for the repairs. Next, it’s time to load the applicator with the appropriate amount of resin, according to your kit instructions. Often, there will be two types of resin in the kit – one for filling cracks and one for filling chips.
Position the applicator over the chipped area, and then carefully drop in a little of the resin. It’s a good idea to lubricate the suction cups, stickers, or applicator with a thicker substance like petroleum jelly, so that it will glide across the windshield without pulling or damaging the glass. Once the resin has been injected into the divot, allow it to cure, which can be done with a UV light or sunlight.
The last step is to sand down the area and remove any excess resin that’s left over. Once the area has been sanded down, it’s ready for a clear sealant to be applied. The final product should look as good as new, and it will also restore up to 85% of the windshield’s original optical clarity.
Wizard Auto Glass
1365 Mid-Way Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5T 2J5, Canada
(905) 564-5330